Xat Announce DRIP Release...!

Hey guys!

That's right! At 5.10pm GMT xat announced on their Twitter how they're going to release the DRIP power!

7000 will be released costing 200 xats when it eventually is available for us all to buy!
That means... yep, you've guessed correctly, it's going to be a limited power! 7,000 isn't so much, and at least xat have told us how it will be released!

Also, more good news! Does this mean that the Power Auctions are going to come to an end, or does this mean that we can finally have one old release system?

Note: If you don't understand the terms "No buying limits" it simply means you can buy as many as you want. (e.g. 200, 300, etc)

What do you think of this? If it's all true, then I'm glad that the release is back to what it was before! We'll keep posting further updates as soon as possible! 


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