42 Has Power 176... and CONFIRMED!

Hey guys!

It's early, because it's Wednesday, and usually the process for the new power begins on Thursday , but already I've managed to uncover some information about the upcoming power...!

1) At around 6.20pm GMT I decided to go on xat_test , and I saw that 42 was online.
Like usual, he usually has the new power before anyone else does , and this time the upcoming power will currently be known as Power 176

Update 1: Mihay has updated on xat's Twitter page on what Power 176 is going to be, before testing has even started! Here's a clue below to tell you what the new power is going to be...

If that clue wasn't much help, I can tell you that it is actually called...

Here is to show you that it has already been updated on Twitter...!

This update took place at 6.25pm GMT

Update 2: 42 has now logged onto his other account, to test the new power! He usually goes on his other account called Tom2 to test upcoming powers. If you've not seen him before, check the image below! (6.35pm)

Update 3: 42 has used some form of Ban on Tom2 . A few users think that this is going to be a GameBan power, but we are aware now that it will not be one, as it is going to be called Reverse...! (6.40pm)

Update 4: 42 has now decided to un-ban his other account. (6.45pm)

Final Update: 42 has now LEFT! (6.47pm)

What could this mysterious power Reverse (176) possibly be? Could it be some form of ban just like with Dunce? We'll leave you a comment tomorrow with all the details!
NOTE: It is most likely that Reverse will cost 2,500 - 3,500 xats with testers selling for 5,000 xats when it has been released for testing. It is likely to be unlimited because xat have already released 3 limited powers in a row! Be cautious of that... (;

Blobby Update: We were correct. Blobby has now become withdrawn in the stores. There are only 6,000 released in total on xat, costing 350 xats each in stores, 1,000 releasing each time.

The cost has now gone down to 290 - 310 xats , with almost no users wanting to buy, and everybody trying to sell! 

^^ I hope you managed to get yourself a Blobby power. From what caused many users to be excited, turned into boredom. Perhaps it was the expensive cost in the stores? Let me know what you think!

See you tomorrow, with more details on the Reverse power! Until then... Stay tuned!   

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