Xat KBEE Auction DRAMA!

Hey guys!

The Auction for the limited power KBEE was supposed to end around 20 minutes ago. However, it keeps getting delayed, so more users are going on Help demanding what's going on!

Apparently, the reason time keeps extending is because someone keeps bidding at the last second. This causes Time to increase which is a big problem for users who have already bidded...

Reason: Users who have already bidded could have purchased it for maybe 50 xats if the Auction had already finished by now.  

Anyways, if a user bids at the last minute, the minimum price changes quite often / fast. This means that the minimum price may be 200 xats even though the user wanted cheaper. It's also bad because the user may not have enough xats because of this, their bid won't be proceeded, and they won't be able to buy the power.

Another reason for this is if time keeps on going, nobody knows what the price may be. It could be at the extent of 1000 xats , and all the bidders who bidded will have to pay that specific amount, because of trolls mucking around with the Auction ... this is one of the negative sides to the new power release! 

Update: CULPRIT IDENTIFIED! A few users managed to spot one of the users that were trolling the Auction ...  

Update 2: FINISHED! Auction has finally ended, with time not increasing. Most of the drama has finished. Now it's just waiting to receive it...

The minimum price finished at 101 xats , but we'll post updates as soon as we get information on what actually happened...

Did you try to bid for KBEE? Perhaps now the demand won't be as high if everyone manages to get it! Leave a comment and let me know...

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