Horror Power now LIMITED!!

Last night, xat made their Halloween themed power called Horror a limited power with no given warnining!

It was originally released last Halloween for 300 xats, and was an unlimited group power! It came with themed pawns for a limited time only, and had huge demand. It then dropped to 180 - 220 xats on Trade.

Now, just like the Feast power that they made limited last Thanksgiving Day a few days after release with no warning, they did the same with Horror! The price now stands between 400 - 500 xats, and is due to raise to an even higher price.

Feast was 400-450 after it became limited, and soon rose to 600 - 650 xats! 

Were you able to buy Horror powers in the past year since it released? It comes with FLIX backgrounds, and smiles too! The maximum horrors you need to buy for all the FLIX are 4 Horror Powers!

Good luck getting one now, and for those who've already had one... Congratulations, you've made profit!

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