GAG power Returning?!

There have been rumours, that xat are planning to re-release the limited power Gag for the very first time!

This power was originally released and announced in May 2009, where 4,000 Gag powers were released, costing 20 days each! The power was very cheap, until it finally rose to 800 - 1000 xats in 2010.

Spider was the reason that this power became so much more popular. The price was originally 1,700 xats, but Spider had bought 100+ to make it almost 3k! The price then dropped, but has always been higher than its last price. This happened almost 8 months ago!

Because of these rumours, the Gag power has lost great demand, but would be such a great profit still. There are over 10,000 Angel powers by now, 9,000 Fades and Clears, so Gag would be very rare from that! Could xat be releasing 1,000 Gag powers for an extremely cheaper price? 

Here is the current price of the Gag power now!

Gag           2200-2300 xats

What do you think of these rumous? Do you think that they could possibly be true?! Comment what you think, and let me know, you may possibly be correct!

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