Power 228 'LED Release'!

Hey guys,

At around **10.15am BST** Tom2 released the newest power , which was also known as LED (POWER 228)


x200 released costing 250 xats each.

So the way this is going , I'm guessing there's going to be around 6000 released by the time the power is unlimited ... and that the price will be very high.

Here's the power in stores,

The power sold out very fast. There is a countdown for the new power , but the releases take a long time.


10.15pm - 200 released costing 250 xats each. [✔]
The cost on Trade has increased to around 400 - 500 xats and is expected to increase more later during the day if small amounts keep releasing.

4.20pm - 200 released costing 250 xats each. [✔]
The price has increased by double the amount as the cost on Trade is now between 800 - 900 xats , and could raise later on.

7.00am  - 200 released costing 250 xats each. [✔]
The price has dropped down slightly and is now currently between the reaches of 650 - 800 xats , but still at an expensive price.


9.07pm BST

4.00pm - The price has dropped and is now between 650 - 700 xats on Trade , and has lost some demand.

7.10pm - RELEASED!
The price has now dropped even more and is now currently between 450 - 550 xats , and is expected to drop even more as the releases come.  


So there you have it! The average price for the power is 800 xats. If you want to buy the power in stores , make sure you're extremely fast!

ALSO ... 

GOLD had also been released into the stores the same time as LED was! (10.15am BST) .

x50 released costing 50,000 xats

The price on Trade dropped down from 53,000 - 53,300 xats back to 52,600 - 52,850 xats , so not by much.

Did you manage to get yourself a LED or GOLD power? What are your thoughts on it? Leave a comment to let me know!

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