Punch Is Xat's Next Power!

The new power is going to be Power 143, called Punch!

We managed to have a picture of someone who has the power (volunteer) here:

We're not sure if this power is going to be limited or not, but here are my opinions and views.
"The Punch power will probably have some similar smileys as the Angry power, that got released in 2010 for 300 xats. It will be a LIMITED power, and it will be released between 24-48 hours, maybe even more. It will be at 200 xats each, and in order to complete it you need to complete a quiz."

"I think the Punch power is going to be unlimited. It may have something to do with the Moderatord on a chat, but it will still most likely just come with Smileys. It will be 200-300 xats in store, maybe even 150!"

The power is probably going to be released either today or tomorrow. Nobody knows the price or how it's being released yet, but as always, we'll keep you posted and updated when the power is released, with all the Information that you need!

Keep checking our site and chat for more updates! Also, if you would like to share your views on the power, feel free to post a comment!

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