BLACKFRIDAY Power - Final Testing & Gossip Updates!

Hello everyone!

After 2 days of constant blogging and updates, we can now confirm that the newest power will be close to releasing after TOM2 came on xat_test this afternoon.

The price meanwhile, on TRADE was between 1,500 - 4,500 xats, as I managed to sell 1 for 3,000 xats:


Here is all the Gossip and Screenshots:

EXCLUSIVE: TOM2 Announces on the Main chat if everyone is ready for testing the new power... it's going to get released for the first time!!!


10 released costing 200 xats

 Now, check out everyone's reaction, one of the biggest we've seen since 2010 ...

People now are able to win through buying the power in Stores:

Someone managed to sell the power for 2,000 xats and TOM2 was saying the power would be available to buy soon:

10 more released costing 200 xats each

Another bunch of test powers were released:

10 released

ONE FINAL RELEASE for test powers occurred !

500 released costing 200 xats


That has GOT to be our longest post, ever, if not, the one above this will. There's alot of coverage for you there, and the build up was HUGE! It looks like as though we've got Black Friday 2013 coming early guys, so follow our Blog for your #01 Coverage ...!
- Aisha  

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