x250 VOTE and x20 GOLD Release!

Hi all,

It's never happened before and has shocked many users, but apparently at **7pm GMT** thursday night the new power appeared in the stores;

This was while 42 was testing.

But at **1am GMT** Friday morning the new power was released.

x250 released costing 500 xats each.

This was rumours and was also posted on Xat Cambio that it was that price. The demand on Trade is alot due to the price it's currently at, which is 2.000 xats!

We don't know whether it's LIMITED or UNLIMITED but we'll give further updates soon!
UPDATE: 42 has announced on Twitter that the new power is going to be UNLIMITED , although another batch of VOTE powers have been released!

The price on Trade has now decreased heavily but is still profitable at the price of 550 - 600 xats .


Also, GOLD was released , despite many denying.

10 released costing the usual.

Evidence for this? The price dropped alot from 54.500 - 55.000 to the current 53.000 - 53.500 xats . Am I talking bonkers? Observe!

Demand has increased because of this.

GOLD UPDATE: At **10.30pm GMT** 42 released x10 more GOLD powers. The price has now increased to 53.500 xats!

Were you fortunate enough to buy one of them? Good on you! =)

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