BREAKING NEWS: Power 257 = 'HALLOWEEN2' (Released!)

NOTE: This power has already released and there was no 'testing stage' for this new power.

Hi Everyone!

This is a sudden shock, but to most likely celebrate HALLOWEEN , TOM2 had decided to suddenly release a new power, (which is ID 257) known as the sequel HALLOWEEN2.

NO announcements were made on the xat's twitter page, and I am currently not sure what time or how many have been released so far. However, I do know the price, and I have managed to place a screenshot: (coming as soon as possible)

489 released costing 250 xats each. 5 per user!

NOTE: This is a limited power just like Halloween , and it is a smiley power.

So, why did they make a sequel? Most likely because the original 'Halloween' power is too low in price, and is currently 850 - 900 xats in Trade. Many users are selling, and not as many are buying compared to a couple of weeks ago!

6.34pm GMT: 
The price for the new power is currently going between 280 - 320 xats. Some screenshots are shown below. (remember the power was released around 10 minutes ago!)



So, there we have it! The smileys for the new power can be found on the banner, but will be published on the Blog in a couple of days time!

What do you think of this new power? It's a good idea by xat, but the smileys aren't as good quality as the original in my honest opinion... but I guess we've had alot of Halloween Themed powers, haven't we?

Keep checking the Blog for further updates!
NOTE: The next Blog update will be Wednesday at 5.00 pm GMT.

- Aisha 

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