'COFFEE' Power Release! (SOLD OUT!)


Breaking news:The new power, Coffee is now limited. There is a rough total of between 6,000 - 7,000. Read below for the full coverage.

At **10.30pm BST** on Friday night, the new power COFFEE was released into the stores!

500 released costing 210 xats. CURRENTLY LIMITED!

The release took 5 minutes, but after being sold out, the price on TRADE became 250 - 300 xats. On Saturday morning the price had increased to 400 - 600 xats


The Banner is now effective, and the releases are quite unique for this power. This is why ...

200 COFFEE powers releases every 15 minutes, costing 210 xats each. 5 per user.

You can now imagine why nobody would like to buy this power on TRADE, with the price being 210 - 215 xats. Over 5 users have collected between 50-100, with one user having 200!!


The price has increased by 5%, with the price now being 220 - 240 xats. A user with 100+ is currently selling for 230 each.


IMPORTANT: The following prices for these powers have CHANGED significantly. Check below to avoid being scammed.

Boot (now considered an EPIC POWER)
Price - 29,000 - 33,000 xats

Price - 900 - 1,200 xats

Price - 6,900 - 7,200 xats

Ahhh... won't Black Friday this year be nice?!

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to leave a comment on this post. If you can't do that, find me on xat.com/Trade!      
- Aisha

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