Power 282 (BUTTERFLIES) Release! (and 10 GOLDS)


Last night we confirmed to you that the new power was BUTTERFLIES, and that it was also a limited power.

Well, at **12.30pm BST** Tom2 released the new power, as well as some Gold powers whilst being on the 'Crazy point' tab:

1000 released costing 250 xats. LIMITED!

The release took a very long 15 minutes, and the demand isn't that big for it either. The price is currently 260 - 280 xats on TRADE, and after a few releases there's a feeling the price will start to drop!


2nd release: 2.40pm BST
631 were released. The price on TRADE still remains the same.

At the same time as the BUTTERFLIES release, 10 golds were released costing 50,000 xats. The price on TRADE remains at 53,000 - 53,500 xats.

Keep checking our Blog for further updates!
- Aisha  

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