'FRUITIES' - 1st Release.

Hey everyone.

At **3.15pm BST** the newest power that many were wanting to buy finally got released in the stores!

Users on XAT_TEST were counting down the release:


550 released costing 200 xats each. LIMITED!

The power literally sold out in under 10 seconds, as this was also very similar to the 'FRUIT' power, the demand was sure to be quite big ...

... and indeed it was, with the price straight away increasing to become 450 - 500 xats. 

Here are a few screenshots:

The next release will occur in a few hours time, so be sure to check the Banners to keep yourself updated!

UPDATE: The Banner glitch is still occuring, with a '63' power being spotted. What is this...?

Keep checking this Blog for the BEST updates!
- Aisha

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