NEW Power 'CHOCOLATE': Release Info!


Last weekend we saw the release of the latest power, 'CHOCOLATE'. This power was first released on Saturday.

2000 released costing 230 xats each. Up to 100 per user, LIMITED!

That's right guys, on the first release users could buy up to 100, as a few users were seen with over 100+ close to when the release finished. (they were not seen buying all)

Anyway the price became 250 - 350 xats, but the demand was quite low.

The next day, another release occurred!

   2000 released costing 230 xats each.

The price is now currently between 190 - 220 xats , with the demand going completely and not many users buying or selling the new power.

Finally, this power is a smiley power, consisting of up to 10 different 'sweet' smilies!

So, what are your thoughts on this new power? Be sure to leave a comment and let me know!
- Aisha   

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