At around **10.35am BST** yesterday the newest power, GERM had been released into the stores!
x1000 released costing 325 xats . NOT LIMITED!
Here is confirmation of the cost;
The power is quite expensive don't you think? It's a smiley power , and below is a picture of the power itself with a user who bought the power;
This power is currently LIMITED :
The power on TRADE is actually pretty profitable, as the price has increased slightly to 330 - 380 xats.
Here are screenshots of what was going on a few hours after release;
GOLD was also released for another week, though!
20 released costing 50,000 xats
The power was already a low 50.300 - 50.600 xats before release, but has now dropped down to 50,000 - 50,100 xats!

Update 1: A few hours after the release, and the price has increased to 50,100 - 50,300 xats.
Update 2: MORE RELEASED! (TBC) At 11pm BST along with an 8 Digit Auction!
Update 3: The price is now currently 50,100 - 50,300. (9.45am)
The power is now NOT LIMITED . (9.35am) . The price on Trade has now dropped down to 300 - 320 xats.
The smileys for the new power will be posted soon, so please be patient.
So, what do you think of the new GERM power? Do you like the smileys? Did you manage to buy one, or WANT to buy one, or did you prefer to get a GOLD power?
Leave a comment with your thoughts and questions!
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