Don't gamble too much ... Power 336 = 'SLOTBAN!'.

Hey guys, are you looking for a challenge?

Well, hopefully tomorrow you will be able to buy the power for yourself, as this afternoon at **5.30pm BST** the power was spotted on xat_test with 42 updating Twitter a couple of hours ago!

This power is NOT LIMITED so don't expect much from your 'Weekly release profit'...

First off, what does this power look like? You probably think it looks like a machine, but you're wrong. Here's an image:

Another user with the power;

Now, what is this power? Well, we haven't had one of these for a while, it's going to be a Game power and a Group power , which is good!

So, now you know that, check this out!

People on xat_test were asking to be 'Slotbanned' and were trying it out. Here's only some of the people;

 Here's how it works!

Step 1: You get 'Slotbanned' by the member of staff.

As you can see, it comes up with a Slotting Machine. I'm guessing you already spot the aim of the game, right? Because I did!

Step 2: Reach the target.


You will be given a specific target to try and teach. I was banned for 1 hour, so my target is to get 359 points.

There are around 7 different smilies to try and land on. The confirmed ones are;
Orange 50 points
BAR 100 points

You must get 3 in a row like this;


So you pretty much get the idea, it's quite a hard game power to play, but an easy one to understand and get used to.

And the users were giving their opinions too:

The power also comes along with 7 smileys which is useful, those will be posted on the blog tomorrow.

One final thing to post is that the power was posted on the Wiki page, but no smiley has been uploaded onto it yet.

So, that's everything you need to know for the meantime. What are your thoughts on this new power? I'm glad we have another Gameban, except it's not going o be very profitable!

Leave a comment and let me know YOUR thoughts!


  1. :p

  2. it's on wiki:

    hree of a kind:
    Cherry: 10 points
    Orange: 12 points
    Plum: 20 points
    Bell: 50 points
    Bar: 100 points
    Seven: 250 points
    Two of a kind:
    Cherry: 5 points
    One of a kind:
    Cherry: 2 points


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