Power 162 CODEBAN Released!

Around 3pm GBT Time, xat had released the new power 162 called Codeban into the stores!

Xat had released 500 as a limited supply as it is still currently in testing. It was 400 xats, and is 400 - 450 xats on Trade at the moment! Later on, there will be another release, where the price will drop to 250 xats!

It's quite obvious by the name, but yes, it is a Game Ban, where you must complete a game code in order to get yourself un-banned. It is also a group power as well as it being unlimited!

I let my girlfriend have an attempt in trying this new game ban, and she claims it's easy! I asked her to take a picture of it for me, and she did! Now you can see what it's like!
She had completed a 1hr in 8 seconds, and 10hr in 13 seconds! 

What do you think? Does it seem good to try out?! Did you manage to get one when in testing?! Leave a comment and let me know!

UPDATE 1: Xat have already put the picture of Codeban in the stores! (3.32pm)


Everyone is desperate to sell the power, it's clear that it's not going to be such a big raise/profit as Magicfx was, that reached 1200 - 1300 xats! 

UPDATE 2: CodeBan is now 380 - 400 xats. There will not be any more updates on the power. 

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