Non limited Powers - These powers will always be on the store, and the price MAY drop.
Powers that are marked with a 。 and their names are in red are group powers.
Name of power: Minimum price: (xats) Maximum price: (xats)
Limited Powers - These powers can only be traded, and prices can change at ANY time
Powers that are marked with a 。 are both limited and group powers.
Name of power: Minimum price: (xats) Maximum price: (xats)
2009 powers
Function: Lets you add Heart shaped smiles when you add the following (smile#heart). You can also change the color to Pink!
(It's a good power to buy when you're wanting to celebrate Valentine's Day or sending it to your loved one)
Note: Heart will release in the xat stores EVERY YEAR to celebrate Valentine's Day. This year, 2000 came out. In 2011, 1500 were released. In 2010, only 500 came out in the stores... so who says it won't happen again next year?!
UPDATE: x500 Heart powers released recently, so the price has gone down even more!
Function: Lets you add Clear / Transparent effects to any smiley you type. E.g. (smile#c) would make the smile not have the yellow!
Function: If you are a Moderator or Owner on a chatroom, you are able to use this power! You can Boot a user to another chat. Just click on their name, and then click 'Kick'. Type in the name of the chat you want to boot them to!
- Sometimes when you try to boot the user, it doesn't always work!
Note: Boot is considered as an 'Epic' power due to its constant high price.
Function: Lets you add Diamond shapes to any smiley you do. Type the following, (smile#diamond) and you will have it. You can also change the color to your Diamond!
Function: Lets you make a fade effect to your smilie and causes it to look like a ghost! Just type the following (smile#f) and it will fade away, before coming back!
Function: If you are a Moderator or Owner on a chatroom, you are able to use this power! You can Gag Members and below by clicking on their name, and pressing 'Ban'. If you have Gag, then there will be an extra function available. Press it, with your appropiate reason.
When they're gagged...
If you have gagged a specific user, they are unable to talk. Users may get confused with auto-gag and guest them before re-membering, which is the downside to this power. Also if a user has been hushed, it will have the same effects as to the Gag power.
Note: Gag only goes up to a maximum of 1 hour.
Quantity: 6000
Function: Lets you add a Devil to any yellow smiley. You can also add a pitchfork to it by adding '#o' at the end of your smilie code!
Function: Angel comes with 4 angel themed smiles, as well as letting you add Angel wings to any smilie you do. This causes with it flying away when you put your mouse on it!
- You can also make your Angel power fly away when you put your mouse on it when checking someone's powers, (if they have it) but don't worry, it'll come back after 5-10 seconds!
Function: Lets you add a Fruity themed effect on any smilie. For example, you can do (smile#apple) and (smile#banana). Not all fruits will be added onto this power, but enough for you to have a 'fruity' time!
Function: Gives you Halloween themed smiles, to celebrate the yearly tradition! Following are...(halloween) (ghost) (grim) (tomb) (bat) (pkn) (cdn) (mmy) (frk) (wh).
Note: This power will be released every Halloween. So far, an extra 1500 released last year, with more the previous year!
Function: Gives you Thanksgiving themed smiles, to celebrate the American yearly tradition! The following are as followed: (pilgrimm) (pilgrimf) (indian) (indian2) (indian3) (chef) (dining) (eatleg) (feast)
Note: (feast) smilie has been changed, due to the 'Feast' power being released in October 2010.
Second Notice: Thanksgiving power releases every year just like Halloween to celebrate the tradition. Last year, 750 released, with 1000 - 2000 being released the year before!
Function: With this power, you can use Snowflake backgrounds on any yellow smilie! You can also add snow to any smilie as well.
Every December, for 1 month , you're able to have a 'Snowy Pawn'. Snow falls on your pawn which looks very nice, but you need Hat as well.
Note: When Snowy was first released, it was only able to be purchased when buying a UGC card. When you do, you also recieve the Snowy power for FREE. It has never been released officially on the xat store yet!
Function: Gives you 26 Christmas themed smiles to celebrate the yearly Christian tradition! The following are as followed...
Note: Christmas releases every year and will still do. Last year, 1000 released for Black Friday, with the same amount being released for the same reason.
There's quite alot of Christmas powers around, because in 2009 it was unlimited in the stores for 1-2 months, tempting users to buy many!
2010 powers
Function: Gives you Valentine themed smiles to celebrate the cute yearly tradition! Following are... (beat), (bheart), (cupid), (card), (hug2), (hug3), (ilu), (lhand), (ring), (rose), (rose2), and (valentine)
Note: Valentine will release every year in February to celebrate Valentine's Day. This year, 1000 released, with last year year releasing 1500, so it'll be sure to happen again next time!
Function: Gives you Irish themed smiles to celebrate St. Patrick's Day! The following are... (irish) (clover2) (drink) (igirl) (iman) (pot) (rainbow) (shi) (tap) (drum) (bagpipes).
Note: Irish will release every year in March to celebrate the following tradition. This year, 1000 released. In 2011, 500 came out.
Function: Gives you 8 Easter themed smiles to celebrate Easter, which comes every year!! The smiles are as followed: (easter) (basket) (bunny) (bunny2) (chick) (egg2) (eggb) (paintegg).
Note: Although it didn't release in 2011, Easter will release every year in April to celebrate Easter. This year, xat released 1000 , and is likely to come out in 2013! (next time)
Function: To think about the army, this power would be respectful to buy. Following are; (camo) (coastguard) (drillserg) (gasmask) (m1h) (marine) (pilot) (sailor) (sailor2) (salute) (smoke) (military#w2).
Note: In 2010 for Veteran's Day, xat released 1111 Military powers. Therefore, nobody knows when the power is going to release again, if it does.
Function: The first ever limited / group power to be released on xat, Gkaliens lets you add Alien effects to any Yellow smile! You can assign this power to your chatroom, which lets Subscribers only use the smiles without needing to have the power!
Function: Scifi is one of the most released powers on xat, yet it has demand. Scifi lets you have Science Fiction themed smiles. It comes with; (scifi) (alienb) (alien2) (beam) (borg) (cylon) (jetpack) (laser) (ufo) (vial) (vr).
Function: To celebrate Independence Day (July), you can use the following smilies with this power to show your support, (independence) (abe) (bbq) (flagwave) (fwlaunch) (glowstick) (liberty)
(sparkler) (starburst) (starbounce) (starring) (tiphat) (usface) (usss).
Note: Although it is a traditional power for the USA, it has not been released any other time other than the debut release, which was in 2010.
Function: When a user is a lower rank , an animation will be shown, if the following power is Asssigned to the chat. The more Blastde powers you assign, the more animations you are able to UNLOCK!
Function: Summer's coming, the weather's warm, so maybe these smilies will be even more unique for users like you!
(summer) (beachbbq) (cooler) (efan) (fishing) (frisbee) (goggles)
(kayak) (laytowl) (pina) (sanddig) (sandplay) (bands) (towl)
(waterbottle) (waterskii)
Function: Go on an Adventure with these smiles...
(adventure) (campfire) (canopy) (compass) (firstaid) (hangglider)
(hunting) (lantern) (map) (marshmallow) (iceaxe) (swing) (waterskiing)
(zipline) (smokes)
Function: Feast is a group power that allows you to have 30 food smilies that have good quality and you can use...! The following are:
(feast) (bowleat) (burger) (burgerlook) (candycorn) (carrot)
(cherry) (chicken) (chili) (chipeat) (coffeesplash) (donut)
(eatspagetti) (eattakeout) (eggcook) (eggplant) (fortunecookie)
(fries) (icecream) (icecreameat) (peanut) (popcorn) (pretzel)
(soupeat) (spam) (stirpan) (takeout) (thinkfood) (toast2).
You can also assign Thanksgiving themed backgrounds!
Available - Thanksgiving (2 feast required)
Turkey (4 feast required)
NOTE: A few days after it was released, the Feast power became LIMITED so it became high in demand and quite expensive.
Feast has had 2 releases since it became limited. One was before Black Friday 2010 , where x1000 released to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.
The more recent one was this year, where x1000 released costing 400 xats each on Thanksgiving day, also before Black Friday in 2011 ...
2011 powers
Kdog 270 300
Horror 275 300
Manga 900 950
Spooky 200 220
Snowman 130 150
Reindeer 70 75
Sparta 100 120
2012 powers
Newyear 250 300
Function: Newyear gives you smilies to celebrate the new year coming! Following are... (calendar) (celebration) (champagne2) (champagneback) (clink2) (firework1) (firework2) (nyball) (nyhat) (nykiss)(nyparty) (sparkler2)
Note: Newyear became limited a day after it was released! We don't know how many released in total, but xat did release 3000 at once! A few days later, the cost became 900 - 950 xats on Trade, before going back down!
Can 85 100
Function: Just like the (Punch) power that came out recently, but just a limited and cheaper version! (200 xats in store). Can comes with 'crazy can' smilies. Following are,
(can) (canangel) (canbounce) (cancontempt) (canfury) (canoo) (canshifty) (canun) (cantwitch) (canthink) (canum)
MagicFX 95 105
Function: Is the first power to have an 'FX' (Cool Graphic 'Effects'). Magicfx lets you have awesome sci-fi effects. For example, if you do (smile#magicfx), then it will be shown like the smiley above!
Note: 1000 released as a test power a day before the release, where the cost went high and reached 1200 - 1300 xats . Because of this, there are now around 25,000 in total on xat...
Spy 100 120
Function: Learn to be a Spy with the following smiles:
(crosshair) (folder) (footprints) (headset) (keyhole) (keypad) (peeking) (radar) (spydrink) (spyeye) (spying) (spypaper) (spyrope).
Kduck 350 400
Function: Have Duck affected smiles when you type in these codes: (kduck)(kduck1)(kduck2)(kduck3)(kduck4)(kduck5)(kduck6)(kduck7)(kduck8)(kduck9)(kduck10)(kduck11)(kduck12)
Note: Originally, 10,000 were meant to be released, 2 sets of 5000. However, the demand was gone so much that xat had to withdraw it when there were around 3000-3500 remaining. This means that there is a total of 6500 on xat!
(The quantity is quite alot, but the demand is still quite high)
Carnival 100 110
Function: Join the 'samba' by using the following smilies when you purchase Carnival below!
(carnival) (carniphant) (cjester) (cmask) (flowersquirt) (headdress) (kreu) (shakeit) (wannasamba) (yeayea) (cjester2) (cbird) (cangel) (anonmask) (beads) (brazilboom).
Note: Carnival became limited a few days after it was released. The cost in store was 250 xats, and before it became limited, xat released 3000 at once! We are not sure on how many released in total!
Movie 100 110
Kat 350 400
Ksheep 300 330

Pulsefx 500 550

Blobby 150 200
Fuzzy 190 200

Nursing 190 200
Kbee 250 280
Vortexfx 400 500
Zip 300 350
Drip 200 220
Whirlfx 500 550
Olympic 100 120
Aliens 200 210
Burningheart 1400 1600
Kpig 200 220
Poker 180 220
Pony 200 220
Clockfx 340 370
Drop 850 1000
Vampyre (NEW) 300 350
Note: This power was originally released to be unlimited. However, with no given warning, the power suddenly turned limited a couple of days before Halloween. The original store price was 200 xats .
Game Powers - These powers are ones where you can play certain games with them.
Matchrace 400 450
Spacewar 1900 2100
Sparta 100 120
2012 powers
Newyear 250 300
Function: Newyear gives you smilies to celebrate the new year coming! Following are... (calendar) (celebration) (champagne2) (champagneback) (clink2) (firework1) (firework2) (nyball) (nyhat) (nykiss)(nyparty) (sparkler2)
Note: Newyear became limited a day after it was released! We don't know how many released in total, but xat did release 3000 at once! A few days later, the cost became 900 - 950 xats on Trade, before going back down!
Function: Just like the (Punch) power that came out recently, but just a limited and cheaper version! (200 xats in store). Can comes with 'crazy can' smilies. Following are,
(can) (canangel) (canbounce) (cancontempt) (canfury) (canoo) (canshifty) (canun) (cantwitch) (canthink) (canum)
MagicFX 95 105
Function: Is the first power to have an 'FX' (Cool Graphic 'Effects'). Magicfx lets you have awesome sci-fi effects. For example, if you do (smile#magicfx), then it will be shown like the smiley above!
Note: 1000 released as a test power a day before the release, where the cost went high and reached 1200 - 1300 xats . Because of this, there are now around 25,000 in total on xat...
Spy 100 120
Function: Learn to be a Spy with the following smiles:
(crosshair) (folder) (footprints) (headset) (keyhole) (keypad) (peeking) (radar) (spydrink) (spyeye) (spying) (spypaper) (spyrope).
Kduck 350 400
Function: Have Duck affected smiles when you type in these codes: (kduck)(kduck1)(kduck2)(kduck3)(kduck4)(kduck5)(kduck6)(kduck7)(kduck8)(kduck9)(kduck10)(kduck11)(kduck12)
Note: Originally, 10,000 were meant to be released, 2 sets of 5000. However, the demand was gone so much that xat had to withdraw it when there were around 3000-3500 remaining. This means that there is a total of 6500 on xat!
(The quantity is quite alot, but the demand is still quite high)
Carnival 100 110
Function: Join the 'samba' by using the following smilies when you purchase Carnival below!
(carnival) (carniphant) (cjester) (cmask) (flowersquirt) (headdress) (kreu) (shakeit) (wannasamba) (yeayea) (cjester2) (cbird) (cangel) (anonmask) (beads) (brazilboom).
Note: Carnival became limited a few days after it was released. The cost in store was 250 xats, and before it became limited, xat released 3000 at once! We are not sure on how many released in total!
Movie 100 110
Kat 350 400
Ksheep 300 330
Pulsefx 500 550
Blobby 150 200
Fuzzy 190 200
Nursing 190 200
Vortexfx 400 500
Zip 300 350
Drip 200 220
Whirlfx 500 550
Olympic 100 120
Aliens 200 210
Burningheart 1400 1600
Kpig 200 220
Poker 180 220
Pony 200 220
Clockfx 340 370
Drop 850 1000
Vampyre (NEW) 300 350
Note: This power was originally released to be unlimited. However, with no given warning, the power suddenly turned limited a couple of days before Halloween. The original store price was 200 xats .
Game Powers - These powers are ones where you can play certain games with them.
Matchrace 400 450
Spacewar 1900 2100
Epic Powers - These powers will be at a very high price standard.
Updated Wednesday 31st October 2012