Kpeng power released!

The new power, has been released for 200 xats!

The power had released in the stores about an hour ago, and will be UNLIMITED! Here is a picture of what the power looks like:

Kpeng is a power like gkaoani, etc. With this power, you can have penguin themed smileys.
For those who don't know what gkaoani smileys are, It's a Japanese type of thing. You can tell by the eyes for one thing.

Do you remember our last post, when we asked someone what they thought of the power? Well, this time, we asked Carbon who goes on Jmann93shangout what he thought:

It sucks, the only reason I got it is because I wans allpowers and the pawn.
 As you can see, everyone is giving it negative breifs. What do you think of the power? Comment now!
Note: Also keep in touch with our poll about your favorite gk power! (Poll ends upcoming thursday)

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