Kpeng next power!

Hey guys!

I was just logging into xat, when I had discovered that the next power was going to be Power 138 'Kpeng'.

Here is a picture of someone with the power:

What do you think the power is going to look like? The power will NOT be limited. We don't have much description of the power, but It's most likely going to be penguin smileys like Gkbear, etc.

Sadly, we do not have a picture of the power either. The price, we do know, will be expensive on Trade, but we also don't know the cost on the store.

Here is what Nikki  xSouLKiLLer (110952980) posted about the new power:
The new power is going to fail, because all of the GK powers have failed.

And here is what I think of the power:
I also think that kpeng is going to possibly fail, thank goodness It's not limited. There were 2 limited gk powers that you could profit from: Gkpanda and Gkaliens. However, Gkaliens profited after being 700-800 after a year (750 in store), and Gkpanda profited because it was 200 in store.
 What do you think about the new power? Comment your opinions below!
Note: When possible, more information will be on the next post!

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