
At around **11.00am GMT** LADYBUG was released once again. The method of this release is quite unusual.

Read what was put on twitter

What does this mean?
There will be 2 releases of Ladybug. Each release will be 1 hour long. In that 1 hour, it will be unlimited and you can buy as many as you like for 275 xats each. There will be a banner saying when the 1st and 2nd release are ...
1st Release

1800 were sold during that period.

The price on TRADE quickly decreased, with it being between 250 - 280 xats.


Update 1: 2nd release
At around **0.00am GMT** on Sunday, the final release of the new power occurred. The power was available for around an hour. Approximately 1500 were sold during that period.


Update 2: Total sold?
This is a question many traders ask. Here is an estimation ... between 4500 - 5000 were sold. After each release the total was added onto the previous release. 
E.g. 1st release 1000 sold
2nd release 2000 sold
in total = 3000 sold (it would include the 1000 on the next release)     

Update 3: Sunday afternoon.
Not many users are currently selling this power on TRADE, with quite a few users stocking up on the power. The price is 300 - 350 xats


And there we go!

In conclusion, there were 3 releases of the Ladybug power. It is now limited with many users having different opinions on how many were released.

So, what do you think? Have you bought this new power? Are you going to? Did you make any profit on the new power? Let me know by leaving comments below!
- Aisha



  1. Do you know the current value of ladybug right now?

    1. Hello,
      At this moment of time, the price averages between 280 - 320 xats on xat.com/Trade, with not much demands for the power, so the price COULD decrease in future.

      Hope this helped! :3


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