'CELEBRATE' Power: Final Updates & 8 Digit Auction!


The newest power, Celebration , was released in stores at around **1.40pm GMT** today.

606 released costing 275 xats each. LIMITED!

The price on TRADE is around 350 - 450 xats , so yes as predicted this power is currently profitable ...

Releases - Each release had around 400 - 600 and each release was between every 3 - 5 hours, costing 275 xats each.

Price - Store price was always 275 xats. The power on TRADE was profitable, but not as much as many would have hoped. The highest it reached was 370 - 420 xats (first release), but has always been 300 xats average.

The price now has stayed at around 270 - 290 xats , so has always been profitable.


Also, there is currently an 8 digit Auction going on, so be sure to bid if you're interested in any of the ID's!

Remember to keep following the Blog for your latest updates!
- Aisha  

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