Orgal's Power Review #1 - TreeFX

Hey guys Orgal here!

Aisha has asked me to make a weekly blog post and write a review on a power and what better one to start with other than the new power treefx!

It looks a little like a Christmas tree, blurred out. not the style I would go for but a good Christmas feel to it nether the less.

There are already a number of "FX" powers out there and this is no different. It adds Christmas effects to your smilies and it is great for getting into the early Christmas spirit. Another plus is that it can be used on your pawn. This looks like a couple of balloons too be honest.

In store this power costs 300 xats. Not a bad price for what it offers. its best feature.

Overall Rating

3/5 - Good that it van be used on your pawn as well as on smilies but does not look very appealing. In terms of "FX" powers I prefer Spiral FX.

Thanks for reading!
Another review next Saturday


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