As you all know, Halloween is officially tomorrow. (October 31st), and of course, you all should know by now that there is also a power for Halloween!

You may also know that every year, rumours speculate about the power releasing. Well, why yes and why not? Let's find out, shall we?

Why Yes
  • The power releases every year on xat as it is traditional.
  • It's popular and always sells out quite quickly.
  • Xat have profited from it every year since its first release in 2009.
  • Not only does 42 profit, but many traders will benefit as well!
Why No
  • The price has only just scraped 1,000 xats on Trade because it is that time of year. All year round it was only 850 xats.
  • Concluding the previous point, if the power does release then it will be likely to not sell out therefore it gets removed from store and everybody loses.

Do you think Halloween will get released this year? Let me know!

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