DOODLERACE Power "Unlimited" and New Feature ADDED!

Hey guys!

Guess what?! This morning, or late last night on Saturday if you're in the US, xat made the DOODLERACE power unlimited .

It costs 400 xats like before, but we were wrong as it has become a group power as well. Perhaps because it was limited and in testing before!

But, that's not all! We've also uncovered something else that xat added!

If you notice, they've added a section called 'Games'. This would be powers that involve some of the games you can play on xat such as Doodle, therefore 'DOODLERACE' is a type of game.

Also, does this mean that we're going to witness some "game powers" in the next upcoming weeks?

What do you think?! Let me know by leaving a comment below this post!

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