Hi users!

Yesterday, xat began the first phase of testing the ID Auction system, where you will be able to bid for a certain ID, trying to make it slightly safer to use...

Today, 42 has updated the system making some changes. Can you spot them in the image below?

Note: Above is the latest from the ID Auction that 42 is currently making. It has a guide explaining all of the features that are currently being worked on / worked already!

What do you think of the process and the idea? I think that it'll really benefit xat users, since I see alot of guys buying 8 digits! Leave a comment and let me know!

Wanna try the xat ID auction out for yourself? You can do so by clicking here


  1. the id auction may work to avoid scammers when buying id's, but i don't get whats gonna happen next

  2. ha, doubt this'll avoid scammers xDDDDD!!!!!!

  3. is this going to really benefit? i think it has more chance of influencing users to buy id's and risk getting scammed. There's got to be a more logical approach to this!

  4. interesting...


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