Bot Power Updates!

We've just discovered updates about xat's #150 power, called the Bot power!

UPDATE 1: (Friday 21st October 2011) We've now got a picture and the name is confirmed for the ne power. Here it is...


This power is currently in testing since yesterday evening, and is currently at the price of 2,500 - 3,500 xats and is due to drop by tomorrow. 

Here is the information that xat posted on twitter hours ago:

The next power is called the BOT power. This power lets you create bots for your chat. This is an unusual power, as its pretty strange for one.

 Now there are some questions that you may like answered...

Weren't people able to create bots before?
Yes.  Before, somebody created a program with 42's permission called where you were able to create your own bots and put them on your own chatroom, saying automatic things. It annoyed some people, and it was quite complicated to set up, they vanished randomly, etc.

Is the power going to be limited or unlimited?
A close friend told me that the power releasing is most likely going to be limited! He asked 42 and this is what he said:

 He always asks 42 and he gives almost the accurate answer!
UPDATE 2: We have discovered the reason as to why bot would be limited. Boot has and never will appear in the stores, due to abuse of booting to chats. Bot is the same. People can make bots for their chat to...
1) Make it popular
2) Try and put them all on another chat, etc.  

Is the Bot power worth it at the moment?
No. The price is extremely high because it is in testing. Tomorrow, it will most likely be 1000 - 1500 xats because powers usually release either Friday or on Saturday.

We will have more info when possible!

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