New power coming soon... School!

Hey guys!

Good news for profiters, an hour ago, we just gathered information that the new power coming to the stores soon, is the limtied power, School!

Here is a picture of what the power looks like:

Testing for this power has just started! It is now being bought / sold between the price of 2000 - 3000 xats on Trade. Xat are still making the smileys for this power, but we have managed to find out a smiley from this power. This smiley is called (daycare)

Things we are not sure about yet...
  • The price of the power is unknown.
  • How many or when the power is going to be released has not been told yet.
  • We don't know what the rest of the smileys for this power are. If we find out, we will keep you updated!
  • This power is most likely not going to be a Group power, but even then we can't be certain.
So what do you think of the power? Are you going to buy yourself one to get you ready for the School year? Comment what you think below!

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