Black Friday is over, all the rare powers have been released, and the worst is finally over...!
Now, the epic powers are slowly starting to go back up. It may not go back to what it was originally before, but it will still be pretty expensive. We saw Namecolor being under 9000 and Purple 19,000 didn't we? That'll hardly ever happen again!
Purple = 21,500 - 22,500 xats
Namecolor = 9,500 - 9,700 xats
If you really want to buy those powers, make sure you buy them in case they ever do raise some more, but there's a slight chance they will drop a bit more!
Hey everyone!
Xat have now released new Christmas gifts into the gift store, to celebrate this year's festive season!
Some of the gifts cost 50 xats each, and some cost 100! If you would like a sneak peak of the gifts, then check this out!
What do you think? They look pretty awesome, huh? Leave a comment and let me know!
Xat have now released new Christmas gifts into the gift store, to celebrate this year's festive season!
Some of the gifts cost 50 xats each, and some cost 100! If you would like a sneak peak of the gifts, then check this out!
What do you think? They look pretty awesome, huh? Leave a comment and let me know!
3,500 more Snowman released!
Yesterday, at 9PM GBT Time, xat had released 3500 Snowman powers costing 250 xats each. The power was 300 - 330 xats when there were only 3,500 around!
This power is limited and no more Snowman powers are going to be released. There is a total of 7,000 Snowman powers on xat.
For the smileys and more details on the power, please see the first post!
This power is limited and no more Snowman powers are going to be released. There is a total of 7,000 Snowman powers on xat.
For the smileys and more details on the power, please see the first post!
Today, at 4.30pm GBT Time, xat released power #154 also known as the Snowman power!
This power is going to be limited and half of them have been released!
3,500 were released costing 250 xats each. Another 250 xats will be released later, but we are not sure when!
People were buying the power for 260 - 280 xats, and at the moment people are now desperate to sell. This happened with Manga, but then people were relaxed and it rose to 400-450 xats! At the moment the price is still the same!
The Snowman power sold out @4.30pm GBT Time and was selling quite fast!
Snowman is a christmas themed power and comes with seasonal smiles. Here are the following in order from left to right...
(snowman) (smcry) (smgrin) (smlaugh) (smredface) (smsad) (smshocked) (smsleepy) (smtongue) (smmad) (smcool)
This power is going to be limited and half of them have been released!
3,500 were released costing 250 xats each. Another 250 xats will be released later, but we are not sure when!
People were buying the power for 260 - 280 xats, and at the moment people are now desperate to sell. This happened with Manga, but then people were relaxed and it rose to 400-450 xats! At the moment the price is still the same!
The Snowman power sold out @4.30pm GBT Time and was selling quite fast!
Snowman is a christmas themed power and comes with seasonal smiles. Here are the following in order from left to right...
(snowman) (smcry) (smgrin) (smlaugh) (smredface) (smsad) (smshocked) (smsleepy) (smtongue) (smmad) (smcool)
What do you think? If you missed the power, are you going to get it again when it releases? Leave a comment and let me know!
Xat had re-released 11 Rare powers to celebrate the early christmas shopping in America, and by the next day, all of the powers were gone, except for Gag!
Originally, there were only 4,000 Gag powers that were released in May 2009, costing 20 days each. The price before the release was around 2000 - 2300 xats! It is still in stores, 24 hours after the original release!
2,000 Gag powers were released yesterday, and the price was dropping between 10-20 minutes every time! There are now currently around 1368 remaining, and the price hasn't dropped for around 5 hours! The price is now 1710 xats in stores! Could this power possibly be withdrawn?
Below, keep updated with the power, and the current prices in Trade!
UPDATE 1: This is the only rare power that is left in stores! There are now 1361 Gag powers remaining, with the price not dropping @1710 xats! (8.13am)
UPDATE 2: Nobody is interested in buying the power from the stores because they all want to buy Boots, Angels, Fades, and Six's. Angel is now 6900 - 7100, Six 3700 - 4000, Boot 9000-10000, and Fade 1900-2000 xats! (8.45am)
UPDATE 3: Nobody is buying the Gag power still, and someone is selling 10 for 1720 xats each, attempting to make small profits from store. Only 1,351 still remain! 650 have been bought. (8.59am)
UPDATE 4: Purple and Gback are starting to go back up, while Spaceban is dropping to under 800 xats! (9.00am)
UPDATE 5: Gag has now started to drop! (9.30am) and is now at 1650 xats each or so!
UPDATE 6: Gag is now ALL sold out! The power had gone at around 1pm GBT Time and the final price was 1244 xats! It is now currently 1250 - 1300 xats on Trade @5.40pm!
There you have it! All of the rares that were in stores are now limited again, and you can buy them on Trade. Almost all of them have been risen and profitable, but not so much, due to people selling so low beforehand!
Did you get a Gag power? It lets you gag a user instead of banning, but remember, the max is 1 hour! Only Moderators and Owners can use this, and once someone is gagged they can't talk! It's not nice!
Once again, happy Black Friday!
Originally, there were only 4,000 Gag powers that were released in May 2009, costing 20 days each. The price before the release was around 2000 - 2300 xats! It is still in stores, 24 hours after the original release!
2,000 Gag powers were released yesterday, and the price was dropping between 10-20 minutes every time! There are now currently around 1368 remaining, and the price hasn't dropped for around 5 hours! The price is now 1710 xats in stores! Could this power possibly be withdrawn?
Below, keep updated with the power, and the current prices in Trade!
UPDATE 1: This is the only rare power that is left in stores! There are now 1361 Gag powers remaining, with the price not dropping @1710 xats! (8.13am)
UPDATE 2: Nobody is interested in buying the power from the stores because they all want to buy Boots, Angels, Fades, and Six's. Angel is now 6900 - 7100, Six 3700 - 4000, Boot 9000-10000, and Fade 1900-2000 xats! (8.45am)
UPDATE 3: Nobody is buying the Gag power still, and someone is selling 10 for 1720 xats each, attempting to make small profits from store. Only 1,351 still remain! 650 have been bought. (8.59am)
UPDATE 4: Purple and Gback are starting to go back up, while Spaceban is dropping to under 800 xats! (9.00am)
UPDATE 5: Gag has now started to drop! (9.30am) and is now at 1650 xats each or so!
UPDATE 6: Gag is now ALL sold out! The power had gone at around 1pm GBT Time and the final price was 1244 xats! It is now currently 1250 - 1300 xats on Trade @5.40pm!
There you have it! All of the rares that were in stores are now limited again, and you can buy them on Trade. Almost all of them have been risen and profitable, but not so much, due to people selling so low beforehand!
Did you get a Gag power? It lets you gag a user instead of banning, but remember, the max is 1 hour! Only Moderators and Owners can use this, and once someone is gagged they can't talk! It's not nice!
Once again, happy Black Friday!
Spooky power now LIMITED!
Xat have tricked us!
Everyone first thought that the Spooky power was going to be limited when it had released, but instead released a new power called Carve a day after!
Today, they made the Spooky power limited a month after the release.
The original price was 200 xats, and when everyone realised that the power would be unlimited, the price had become 100 - 120 xats. It is now currently still cheap @150-200 xats, but is now rare, and could go higher!
Remember, this power is also a Group!
Everyone first thought that the Spooky power was going to be limited when it had released, but instead released a new power called Carve a day after!
Today, they made the Spooky power limited a month after the release.
The original price was 200 xats, and when everyone realised that the power would be unlimited, the price had become 100 - 120 xats. It is now currently still cheap @150-200 xats, but is now rare, and could go higher!
Remember, this power is also a Group!
The biggest celebration on xat for profiters and people who have not got many xats, is finally here, and this year, they've made it the biggest shopping spree, ever!
Remember when some people had imagined if xat would release all the limited powers at once? Well, they've done it!
Apparently, a friend had told me that all of the rare powers had released at 7AM GBT Time and have been in the stores since! They've also re-released the little rares since the demand was so high in the past.
NOTE: Below are the list of all the powers that are now currently released. They will be accuratley updated, so please check often!
1,000 Sins were released. The price is currently 1400 - 1500 xats on Trade, and the price is due to soon drop!
Originally, there was only 4,000 Sins powes that released. It first came out in April 2011, and was supposed to drop to 250 xats, but had sold out at 550 xats. Spider bought 400 Sins and it eventually had so much demand that the power had risen past 2500 xats! Eventually it lost demand, but was still pretty rare to xat.
UPDATE 1: Sins is now ALL sold out! The final price was 1342 xats, and is currently the price of 1200 - 1300 xats on Trade! (7.57am)
1,000 Christmas powers were in stores. People started buying when it was getting under 1100 xats, and was growing out very quickly when it was under 1,000 xats. People were buying it for 1050 and eventually got sold out at 5PM GBT Time. The price has now risen quickly to 1150 - 1250 xats.
Christmas is a great festive holiday power, which had became 1800 - 2000 xats a few days before Black Friday appoached. Christmas had always been the most popular and expensive holiday power, also since it comes along with 26 additional smileys!
UPDATE 1: The price of Christmas is now currently 1400 - 1600 xats on Trade. (7.56am)
Only 500 Angry powers were released in the stores. I'm sorry if you feel very angry about this! The price on Trade is currently 1300 - 1500 xats, and is not very popular at the moment.
Angry was originally 300 xats in stores, and released last year. It came out every hour, and each 1000 would be released. The power was only 450 - 500 for several months until somebody called Fuentes had bought 150 Angrys. It reached 1900 - 2000, but had dropped a few days before the releases.
UPDATE 1: Angry is starting to be sold out pretty fast now. There are now only 400 remaining! (7.25pm)
UPDATE 2: There are now 300 Angry powers remaining! (7.31pm)
UPDATE 3: 250 Angry powers left! (7.32pm)
UPDATE 4: 200 remaining Angry powers, and not a minute has gone!
UPDATE 5: Less than 100 Angrys left! (7.33pm)
UPDATE 6: Angry is now all sold out! The final price was 1496 xats, and it was 1300 - 1400 xats before Black Friday happened! (7.35pm) 76 were remaining before all of them were bought.
The group power Fairy were released along with the other rares. 1,000 Fairy powers were released, and is currently the price of 1800 - 2000 xats on Trade. It has lost so much demand from when it was originally 2900 - 3000 xats.
7000 Fairys were originally released costing 500 xats each at first, and dropping 10 xats every hour. The final price was 200 xats, and eventually grew more and more demand. It once reached 3500 xats! However, a week before the release, the power had dropped to 2000 - 2300 xats.
UPDATE 1: Fairy power is going slow! Only 50 people have bought this power, and it's getting near the price of 2,000 xats in stores! (8.30pm)
UPDATE 2: Fairy is now ALL sold out! The final price was 1,546 xats and it sold out at around 1.30am GBT Time! There are now currently 9,000 Fairys on xat.
2,000 Diamond powers had got released in stores. This is one of the cheapest powers and was the second one to be sold out. This power sold out at 5.30PM GBT Time and was the second one. The price sold out extremely fast and stopped dropping after it had reached 1005 xats! This power is now currently 1100 - 1200 xats on Trade.
UPDATE 1: When the price was 1060 xats in stores, people were buying high, and also went over store price when it was only 1020 xats.
UPDATE 2: The Diamond power became sold out at 5.30pm GBT Time and is now currently 1050 - 1150 xats on Trade.
UPDATE 3: Diamond has now currently risen to the price of 1200 - 1250 xats. (6.42pm GBT Time)
FINAL UPDATE: The price of Diamond is now currently 1400 - 1600 xats. People buy for the average of 1500 xats! (7.53am)
2,000 Fade powers came out into the stores and unlike Diamond, has not been sold out yet and is still dropping price and in stores. The price of Fade is currently 1900 - 2100 xats on Trade.
UPDATE 1: Fade drops by 30 xats, we are not sure by how many every minutes. Current price is now 2160 xats, and only 1948 are remaining!
UPDATE 2: The power has now been dropped to 2125 xats! That was a reduce of 35 xats! (8.12pm) There are still 1,942 Fades left!
UPDATE 3: Fade is now ALL sold out! The final price was 1,600 xats, and it sold out at 1AM GBT Time. The price is now currently 1700 - 1900 xats!
500 Angel powers have been brought out into the stores. This power is the second most expensive rare, and is everybody's favourite! This power has not sold that many, and is still at 6000 - 7000 xats on Trade.
UPDATE 1: Angel has finally dropped under 8000 xats! The price is now 7984 xats and 487 Angel powers still remain! (8.05pm)
UPDATE 2: Angel is now all sold out! The final price was 6692 xats, and is now currently 6900 - 7100 xats on Trade, when it was 6000 - 6500 before!
1,000 Six powers returned since their last arrival on 31st October 2011. The power had lost demand after a week from it's last release, and was 3800 - 4000 xats before the power had come out. The price is dropping in the stores, and will probably most likely fail at the end of the release!
UPDATE 1: Six was sold out at around 11pm GBT Time @3024 xats. The price on Trade is currently 3200 - 3300 xats!
100 Boots were released into the stores, starting at a price which was more than 13,500 xats! Xat were
not supposed to make this power return, due to abuse in the past, but because the price has risen so many times and has not been under 9000 xats for several months, xat had decided to release only a small amount of Boots only for this special occasion!
The power is dropping much more faster than the other powers, but is still at a pretty high price!
UPDATE 1: The Boot power is being sold out pretty fast! (6.30pm) and was only 9000 - 9200 xats on Trade! Only 50 remaining!
UPDATE 2: The Boot power is now ALL sold out. The final price was at 9170 xats and went at 6.35pm GBT Time!
2,000 Gag powers returned for the very first time since its very first release in 2009, where it was released for only 20 days! This power's highest price reached was 3000 xats, and was 2300 - 2500 xats a week before the release! Only 2 weeks ago, Gag had risen to 2500 - 2700 xats, but because of rumous and Black Friday approaching, the demand was lost and the power was droing slightly.
This would make it a total of only 6000 Gags, which is still pretty low, comparing how many of other rares had released!
UPDATE 1: Only 17 Gag powers have been bought at the moment! (6.45pm) and is currently still around 2000 - 2200 xats.
UPDATE 2: The Gag power drops by 40 xats every time.
UPDATE 3: Gag has stayed at 1710 xats for around 5 hours and price has still not been dropped! Power is planning to be withdrawn in stores! (7.40am)
UPDATE 4: The power has been SOLD OUT at the price of 1,246 xats. The price on Trade has increased to 1300 - 1400 xats.
UPDATE 5: The price has decreased to 900 - 1000 xats.
1,000 Clear were released and is the final one out of all the rares that had released. This power was originally 3600 - 3800 but had dropped to 3000 - 3200 xats because of Black Friday coming.
UPDATE 1: The Clear power is starting to go pretty fast now! Less than 500 remaining now!
UPDATE 2: It may be that Clear drops by 60 xats every 10 minutes. We are not exactly sure, but the last price was 2865 xats!
UPDATE 3: The Clear power is now all sold out! The power went @7.15pm GBT Time and the final price of the power was 2805 xats. It is now currently 2900 - 3000 xats on Trade.
UPDATE 4: Everybody is trying to sell Clear. It has now been dropped to 2800 - 2850 xats! (8.10pm)
These are all the rare powers that have been released this year! Last year, it was only Chistmas, Angel, Clear, Fade and Diamond.
What do you think? Have you been making lots of profit? Hope you do, as this will be one of the last times that you will be able to make huge profits as these powers are dropping alot now.
Black Friday - It's an American tradition where shops around the country open as early as 4am so people can get ready for their Chistmas Shopping!
Remember when some people had imagined if xat would release all the limited powers at once? Well, they've done it!
Apparently, a friend had told me that all of the rare powers had released at 7AM GBT Time and have been in the stores since! They've also re-released the little rares since the demand was so high in the past.
NOTE: Below are the list of all the powers that are now currently released. They will be accuratley updated, so please check often!
1,000 Sins were released. The price is currently 1400 - 1500 xats on Trade, and the price is due to soon drop!
Originally, there was only 4,000 Sins powes that released. It first came out in April 2011, and was supposed to drop to 250 xats, but had sold out at 550 xats. Spider bought 400 Sins and it eventually had so much demand that the power had risen past 2500 xats! Eventually it lost demand, but was still pretty rare to xat.
UPDATE 1: Sins is now ALL sold out! The final price was 1342 xats, and is currently the price of 1200 - 1300 xats on Trade! (7.57am)
1,000 Christmas powers were in stores. People started buying when it was getting under 1100 xats, and was growing out very quickly when it was under 1,000 xats. People were buying it for 1050 and eventually got sold out at 5PM GBT Time. The price has now risen quickly to 1150 - 1250 xats.
Christmas is a great festive holiday power, which had became 1800 - 2000 xats a few days before Black Friday appoached. Christmas had always been the most popular and expensive holiday power, also since it comes along with 26 additional smileys!
UPDATE 1: The price of Christmas is now currently 1400 - 1600 xats on Trade. (7.56am)
Only 500 Angry powers were released in the stores. I'm sorry if you feel very angry about this! The price on Trade is currently 1300 - 1500 xats, and is not very popular at the moment.
Angry was originally 300 xats in stores, and released last year. It came out every hour, and each 1000 would be released. The power was only 450 - 500 for several months until somebody called Fuentes had bought 150 Angrys. It reached 1900 - 2000, but had dropped a few days before the releases.
UPDATE 1: Angry is starting to be sold out pretty fast now. There are now only 400 remaining! (7.25pm)
UPDATE 2: There are now 300 Angry powers remaining! (7.31pm)
UPDATE 3: 250 Angry powers left! (7.32pm)
UPDATE 4: 200 remaining Angry powers, and not a minute has gone!
UPDATE 5: Less than 100 Angrys left! (7.33pm)
UPDATE 6: Angry is now all sold out! The final price was 1496 xats, and it was 1300 - 1400 xats before Black Friday happened! (7.35pm) 76 were remaining before all of them were bought.
The group power Fairy were released along with the other rares. 1,000 Fairy powers were released, and is currently the price of 1800 - 2000 xats on Trade. It has lost so much demand from when it was originally 2900 - 3000 xats.
7000 Fairys were originally released costing 500 xats each at first, and dropping 10 xats every hour. The final price was 200 xats, and eventually grew more and more demand. It once reached 3500 xats! However, a week before the release, the power had dropped to 2000 - 2300 xats.
UPDATE 1: Fairy power is going slow! Only 50 people have bought this power, and it's getting near the price of 2,000 xats in stores! (8.30pm)
UPDATE 2: Fairy is now ALL sold out! The final price was 1,546 xats and it sold out at around 1.30am GBT Time! There are now currently 9,000 Fairys on xat.

2,000 Diamond powers had got released in stores. This is one of the cheapest powers and was the second one to be sold out. This power sold out at 5.30PM GBT Time and was the second one. The price sold out extremely fast and stopped dropping after it had reached 1005 xats! This power is now currently 1100 - 1200 xats on Trade.
UPDATE 1: When the price was 1060 xats in stores, people were buying high, and also went over store price when it was only 1020 xats.
UPDATE 2: The Diamond power became sold out at 5.30pm GBT Time and is now currently 1050 - 1150 xats on Trade.
UPDATE 3: Diamond has now currently risen to the price of 1200 - 1250 xats. (6.42pm GBT Time)
FINAL UPDATE: The price of Diamond is now currently 1400 - 1600 xats. People buy for the average of 1500 xats! (7.53am)
2,000 Fade powers came out into the stores and unlike Diamond, has not been sold out yet and is still dropping price and in stores. The price of Fade is currently 1900 - 2100 xats on Trade.
UPDATE 1: Fade drops by 30 xats, we are not sure by how many every minutes. Current price is now 2160 xats, and only 1948 are remaining!
UPDATE 2: The power has now been dropped to 2125 xats! That was a reduce of 35 xats! (8.12pm) There are still 1,942 Fades left!
UPDATE 3: Fade is now ALL sold out! The final price was 1,600 xats, and it sold out at 1AM GBT Time. The price is now currently 1700 - 1900 xats!
500 Angel powers have been brought out into the stores. This power is the second most expensive rare, and is everybody's favourite! This power has not sold that many, and is still at 6000 - 7000 xats on Trade.
UPDATE 1: Angel has finally dropped under 8000 xats! The price is now 7984 xats and 487 Angel powers still remain! (8.05pm)
UPDATE 2: Angel is now all sold out! The final price was 6692 xats, and is now currently 6900 - 7100 xats on Trade, when it was 6000 - 6500 before!
1,000 Six powers returned since their last arrival on 31st October 2011. The power had lost demand after a week from it's last release, and was 3800 - 4000 xats before the power had come out. The price is dropping in the stores, and will probably most likely fail at the end of the release!
UPDATE 1: Six was sold out at around 11pm GBT Time @3024 xats. The price on Trade is currently 3200 - 3300 xats!
100 Boots were released into the stores, starting at a price which was more than 13,500 xats! Xat were
not supposed to make this power return, due to abuse in the past, but because the price has risen so many times and has not been under 9000 xats for several months, xat had decided to release only a small amount of Boots only for this special occasion!
The power is dropping much more faster than the other powers, but is still at a pretty high price!
UPDATE 1: The Boot power is being sold out pretty fast! (6.30pm) and was only 9000 - 9200 xats on Trade! Only 50 remaining!
UPDATE 2: The Boot power is now ALL sold out. The final price was at 9170 xats and went at 6.35pm GBT Time!

2,000 Gag powers returned for the very first time since its very first release in 2009, where it was released for only 20 days! This power's highest price reached was 3000 xats, and was 2300 - 2500 xats a week before the release! Only 2 weeks ago, Gag had risen to 2500 - 2700 xats, but because of rumous and Black Friday approaching, the demand was lost and the power was droing slightly.
This would make it a total of only 6000 Gags, which is still pretty low, comparing how many of other rares had released!
UPDATE 1: Only 17 Gag powers have been bought at the moment! (6.45pm) and is currently still around 2000 - 2200 xats.
UPDATE 2: The Gag power drops by 40 xats every time.
UPDATE 3: Gag has stayed at 1710 xats for around 5 hours and price has still not been dropped! Power is planning to be withdrawn in stores! (7.40am)
UPDATE 4: The power has been SOLD OUT at the price of 1,246 xats. The price on Trade has increased to 1300 - 1400 xats.
UPDATE 5: The price has decreased to 900 - 1000 xats.
1,000 Clear were released and is the final one out of all the rares that had released. This power was originally 3600 - 3800 but had dropped to 3000 - 3200 xats because of Black Friday coming.
UPDATE 1: The Clear power is starting to go pretty fast now! Less than 500 remaining now!
UPDATE 2: It may be that Clear drops by 60 xats every 10 minutes. We are not exactly sure, but the last price was 2865 xats!
UPDATE 3: The Clear power is now all sold out! The power went @7.15pm GBT Time and the final price of the power was 2805 xats. It is now currently 2900 - 3000 xats on Trade.
UPDATE 4: Everybody is trying to sell Clear. It has now been dropped to 2800 - 2850 xats! (8.10pm)
These are all the rare powers that have been released this year! Last year, it was only Chistmas, Angel, Clear, Fade and Diamond.
What do you think? Have you been making lots of profit? Hope you do, as this will be one of the last times that you will be able to make huge profits as these powers are dropping alot now.
Black Friday - It's an American tradition where shops around the country open as early as 4am so people can get ready for their Chistmas Shopping!
This is even better, isn't it?! 42 has now just released the limited power Feast into the stores!
The power was released @7PM GBT Time and 1,000 were released, starting at 975 xats each!
UPDATE 1: The Feast power drops around 10 xats every 10 minutes.
UPDATE 2: Feast has been all sold out! The final price was around 400 xats, and the price on Trade is now currently 400 - 450 xats!
I'm sorry that I was unable to provide you with all the information, this was because I had to go and do some things.
Hope you got one! Happy Thanksgiving! (:
The power was released @7PM GBT Time and 1,000 were released, starting at 975 xats each!
UPDATE 1: The Feast power drops around 10 xats every 10 minutes.
UPDATE 2: Feast has been all sold out! The final price was around 400 xats, and the price on Trade is now currently 400 - 450 xats!
I'm sorry that I was unable to provide you with all the information, this was because I had to go and do some things.
Hope you got one! Happy Thanksgiving! (:
100 POSTS!
I've ruined it now, but I've finally been managed to make my 100th Post today, and on Thanksgiving day!
The blog is also a success, almost 4,000 hits and not even 5 months yet! This is far better than the old blog, and I will continue to post often and keep my promise here. I will not move back to my old blog, I can assure you that!
Keep updated for future things!
The blog is also a success, almost 4,000 hits and not even 5 months yet! This is far better than the old blog, and I will continue to post often and keep my promise here. I will not move back to my old blog, I can assure you that!
Keep updated for future things!
Because Black Friday 2011 is approaching tomorrow, the biggest xat celebration at the moment, we've posted at least 6 new things in 1 day!
Rare powers have dropped so much, this is because xat have given everyone a warning months before, and people are desperate to sell everything because they think that everything will release very cheap. In October 2011 Six and Halloween were released. Both of the powers eventually failed, but was a good profit for the first few days. Halloween was sold out at 1293 and Six at 5880 xats. After the release, Halloween was 1500 and Six 6500.
Today, Thanksgiving was released, and is still currently in stores now! (Check our post about it for constant updates) 750 were released and started at 1,500 xats each, etc...
Clear was at 3700 xats, and is now at 3000 xats. This is one of the powers that many people predict is going to release tomorrow. Could be at 2000 xats!
Fade is another option of releases. This power was 2700 xats, and has now dropped to a cheap 2200 xats. If this power releases there won't be much profit in it, or so people may think...!
Gag people presume is one of the powers that are going to return, as xat have never returned this power since 2009. This power last cost 20 days, and is currently at 2200 xats on Trade. It managed to reach 3000 xats 7 months ago, and could still be a big profit if release is cheap.
Angel is a power that most people know is certain to release. The power costs 6000 xats on Trade, and could probably drop more tomorrow before the releases begin!
Sins has a high chance of releasing because only 4,000 sins powers released in April 2011. It reached a staggering 2750 xats from 550 in 2 days, and is now slightly dropping! Can still be a great choice to buy.
These are all powers that you should NOT attempt in buying before the rares release unless you are certain on what you are buying!
Rare powers have dropped so much, this is because xat have given everyone a warning months before, and people are desperate to sell everything because they think that everything will release very cheap. In October 2011 Six and Halloween were released. Both of the powers eventually failed, but was a good profit for the first few days. Halloween was sold out at 1293 and Six at 5880 xats. After the release, Halloween was 1500 and Six 6500.
Today, Thanksgiving was released, and is still currently in stores now! (Check our post about it for constant updates) 750 were released and started at 1,500 xats each, etc...
Clear was at 3700 xats, and is now at 3000 xats. This is one of the powers that many people predict is going to release tomorrow. Could be at 2000 xats!
Fade is another option of releases. This power was 2700 xats, and has now dropped to a cheap 2200 xats. If this power releases there won't be much profit in it, or so people may think...!
Gag people presume is one of the powers that are going to return, as xat have never returned this power since 2009. This power last cost 20 days, and is currently at 2200 xats on Trade. It managed to reach 3000 xats 7 months ago, and could still be a big profit if release is cheap.
Angel is a power that most people know is certain to release. The power costs 6000 xats on Trade, and could probably drop more tomorrow before the releases begin!
Sins has a high chance of releasing because only 4,000 sins powers released in April 2011. It reached a staggering 2750 xats from 550 in 2 days, and is now slightly dropping! Can still be a great choice to buy.
These are all powers that you should NOT attempt in buying before the rares release unless you are certain on what you are buying!
Gold Power Fails!
An hour and a half ago, Carbon had told me that earlier xat had released 20 more Gold powers costing 50,000 xats each, and were forced to take it off because NOBODY wanted to buy them anymore! Could this finally be the time that the Gold power fails?!
The power is still not in stores, and is costing between 48,000 - 49,000 xats on Trade. Could this follow up the Purple power until Black Friday ends? Or have people finally lost interest?!
The power is still not in stores, and is costing between 48,000 - 49,000 xats on Trade. Could this follow up the Purple power until Black Friday ends? Or have people finally lost interest?!
Power 154 In Operation Testing!
A very good friend of mine on xat called Bryan, had told me that Christina had given him a free test power! This is xat's power #154!
Just what we need to add on to our pessure of powers releasing, xat making a NEW power! If this power does release tomorrow like it usually does, then Trade will be at chaos and not pay any attention to that power. This is because they would all be interested in the rare powers that are being released!
The power COULD be released the following day or on Sunday, but nobody knows when it's going to be. We don't have any following information on the power, but we will keep you posted!
Just what we need to add on to our pessure of powers releasing, xat making a NEW power! If this power does release tomorrow like it usually does, then Trade will be at chaos and not pay any attention to that power. This is because they would all be interested in the rare powers that are being released!
The power COULD be released the following day or on Sunday, but nobody knows when it's going to be. We don't have any following information on the power, but we will keep you posted!
Some more Black Friday sneak peaks...!
Apparently, a pretty old friend of mine told me on xat that this year's Black Friday is 75% not going to be such a success as it was last year!
What do you think? Here are some of the choices on powers that may be released...
Sins, Flower, Angry, Fairy
They are the cheaper rares that are still pretty expensive. The powers that are very high still are...
Angel, Gag, Diamond, Clear, Fade
But perhaps we are wrong! Maybe xat are planning a very big surprise for us, and releasing powers that we never thought would return at all!
More updates and evidence on this year's Black Friday coming every few hours if any! Keep commenting what you think, and make sure you participate in our poll!
What do you think? Here are some of the choices on powers that may be released...
Sins, Flower, Angry, Fairy
They are the cheaper rares that are still pretty expensive. The powers that are very high still are...
Angel, Gag, Diamond, Clear, Fade
But perhaps we are wrong! Maybe xat are planning a very big surprise for us, and releasing powers that we never thought would return at all!
More updates and evidence on this year's Black Friday coming every few hours if any! Keep commenting what you think, and make sure you participate in our poll!
Xat's UGC discounts!
Xat have announced that they're planning to give a $1-3 discount for each UGC card you puchase!
This limited offer is only for the Black Friday holiday, so make sure you get yours NOW because you will lose this offer in a couple of days time!
This limited offer is only for the Black Friday holiday, so make sure you get yours NOW because you will lose this offer in a couple of days time!
GAG power Returning?!
There have been rumours, that xat are planning to re-release the limited power Gag for the very first time!
This power was originally released and announced in May 2009, where 4,000 Gag powers were released, costing 20 days each! The power was very cheap, until it finally rose to 800 - 1000 xats in 2010.
Spider was the reason that this power became so much more popular. The price was originally 1,700 xats, but Spider had bought 100+ to make it almost 3k! The price then dropped, but has always been higher than its last price. This happened almost 8 months ago!
Because of these rumours, the Gag power has lost great demand, but would be such a great profit still. There are over 10,000 Angel powers by now, 9,000 Fades and Clears, so Gag would be very rare from that! Could xat be releasing 1,000 Gag powers for an extremely cheaper price?
Here is the current price of the Gag power now!
Gag 2200-2300 xats
What do you think of these rumous? Do you think that they could possibly be true?! Comment what you think, and let me know, you may possibly be correct!
This power was originally released and announced in May 2009, where 4,000 Gag powers were released, costing 20 days each! The power was very cheap, until it finally rose to 800 - 1000 xats in 2010.
Spider was the reason that this power became so much more popular. The price was originally 1,700 xats, but Spider had bought 100+ to make it almost 3k! The price then dropped, but has always been higher than its last price. This happened almost 8 months ago!
Because of these rumours, the Gag power has lost great demand, but would be such a great profit still. There are over 10,000 Angel powers by now, 9,000 Fades and Clears, so Gag would be very rare from that! Could xat be releasing 1,000 Gag powers for an extremely cheaper price?
Here is the current price of the Gag power now!
What do you think of these rumous? Do you think that they could possibly be true?! Comment what you think, and let me know, you may possibly be correct!
Happy Thanksgiving everybody! It's a day early, but as we all know, the American holiday starts tomorrow!
As xat is American, they would celebrate this holiday too, and so they decided to release the limited power, Thanksgiving!
^ The release was at 4PM GBT Time. 750 Thanksgiving powers were released starting at 1,500 xats each! The price will continue to drop until nobody buys anymore.
NOTE: Thank you to everyone who was able to provide me with all the information needed. Around 5 people who are mostly in my PC'S managed to help me out. Thanks once again! @picture
Below, we will keep you updated with the following updates on the power, as well as other powers on the Trade chatroom!
UPDATE 1: It may be confirmed that the Thanksgiving power drops 18 xats every 10 minutes! The price is now 1,194 xats!
UPDATE 2: The price of Thanksgiving is now currently 1000 - 1050 xats on Trade! The price was originally 1300 - 1400 xats before the release...
UPDATE 3: Clear has now been dropped to 2900 - 3000 xats. Six has been dropped to 3800 - 4000, and Fairy has dropped under 2000 xats!
UPDATE 4: The Thanksgiving power has now been dropped to 1176 xats! NOTE: Every time the power drops it will now be highlighted in the color blue!
UPDATE 5: Purple has been dropped to under 20,000 xats, and the Angel power is now 6500 xats! Namecolor is dropping lower than 9,000 xats, and maybe even more, so don't buy yours yet!
UPDATE 6: Somebody is selling the Angry power for 1,400 xats, with no demand. Therefore, that may be a victim of big price dropping!
UPDATE 7: R1 must be pretty mad by now, huh?! He had almost 900 Thanksgivings before the release, and the price is now currently 1158 xats!
UPDATE 8: The Thanksgiving power has now been dropped to 1140 xats! (5.45PM)
UPDATE 9: Alot of people are desperate to sell their Angel powers more than anything at the moment! Price is now currently 6000 - 6500 xats!
UPDATE 10: Thanksgiving is now down to 1122 xats! (5.52PM) and the price will most likely next drop @5.50PM
UPDATE 11: Everyone is preparing for Black Friday which is tomorrow. People predict that Gag and Angel are some of the powers that are due to release.
UPDATE 12: Thanksgiving has now been reduced to 1068 xats! The power is going out pretty fast! ONLY 593 REMAINING! (6.30PM)
UPDATE 13: The power has now been dropped to 1050 xats! This power is most likely going to be sold out at 1,000 xats or a bit higher at this right, as it is now growing some more demand! This may also turn out like Halloween, as it then dropped to 850 xats soon after! Almost 570 remaining! (6.40PM)
UPDATE 14: The price of Thanksgiving is now 1032 xats! (6.47PM) I am now going to stop updating the price, but it is now confirmed that the price will drop 18 xats every 10 minutes!
UPDATE 15: The Thanksgiving power has finally dropped less than 1000 xats! It is currently at 996 xats at 7.05PM GBT Time!
UPDATE 16: Thanksgiving is now ALL sold out! The power was going rapidly @7.15 GBT Time and went when it was 996 xats!
FINAL UPDATE: Thanksgiving is now currently 900 - 950 xats due to Black Friday's rares releasing.
Happy Thanksgiving Day to all, and hope you grab some profit out of this! Black Friday will also be approaching, so make sure you grab what you can before the Christmas Holidays!
As xat is American, they would celebrate this holiday too, and so they decided to release the limited power, Thanksgiving!
^ The release was at 4PM GBT Time. 750 Thanksgiving powers were released starting at 1,500 xats each! The price will continue to drop until nobody buys anymore.
NOTE: Thank you to everyone who was able to provide me with all the information needed. Around 5 people who are mostly in my PC'S managed to help me out. Thanks once again! @picture
Below, we will keep you updated with the following updates on the power, as well as other powers on the Trade chatroom!
UPDATE 1: It may be confirmed that the Thanksgiving power drops 18 xats every 10 minutes! The price is now 1,194 xats!
UPDATE 2: The price of Thanksgiving is now currently 1000 - 1050 xats on Trade! The price was originally 1300 - 1400 xats before the release...
UPDATE 3: Clear has now been dropped to 2900 - 3000 xats. Six has been dropped to 3800 - 4000, and Fairy has dropped under 2000 xats!
UPDATE 4: The Thanksgiving power has now been dropped to 1176 xats! NOTE: Every time the power drops it will now be highlighted in the color blue!
UPDATE 5: Purple has been dropped to under 20,000 xats, and the Angel power is now 6500 xats! Namecolor is dropping lower than 9,000 xats, and maybe even more, so don't buy yours yet!
UPDATE 6: Somebody is selling the Angry power for 1,400 xats, with no demand. Therefore, that may be a victim of big price dropping!
UPDATE 7: R1 must be pretty mad by now, huh?! He had almost 900 Thanksgivings before the release, and the price is now currently 1158 xats!
UPDATE 8: The Thanksgiving power has now been dropped to 1140 xats! (5.45PM)
UPDATE 9: Alot of people are desperate to sell their Angel powers more than anything at the moment! Price is now currently 6000 - 6500 xats!
UPDATE 10: Thanksgiving is now down to 1122 xats! (5.52PM) and the price will most likely next drop @5.50PM
UPDATE 11: Everyone is preparing for Black Friday which is tomorrow. People predict that Gag and Angel are some of the powers that are due to release.
UPDATE 12: Thanksgiving has now been reduced to 1068 xats! The power is going out pretty fast! ONLY 593 REMAINING! (6.30PM)
UPDATE 13: The power has now been dropped to 1050 xats! This power is most likely going to be sold out at 1,000 xats or a bit higher at this right, as it is now growing some more demand! This may also turn out like Halloween, as it then dropped to 850 xats soon after! Almost 570 remaining! (6.40PM)
UPDATE 14: The price of Thanksgiving is now 1032 xats! (6.47PM) I am now going to stop updating the price, but it is now confirmed that the price will drop 18 xats every 10 minutes!
UPDATE 15: The Thanksgiving power has finally dropped less than 1000 xats! It is currently at 996 xats at 7.05PM GBT Time!
UPDATE 16: Thanksgiving is now ALL sold out! The power was going rapidly @7.15 GBT Time and went when it was 996 xats!
FINAL UPDATE: Thanksgiving is now currently 900 - 950 xats due to Black Friday's rares releasing.
Happy Thanksgiving Day to all, and hope you grab some profit out of this! Black Friday will also be approaching, so make sure you grab what you can before the Christmas Holidays!
Mazeban Power Released!
Around 11AM GBT Time, xat released power #152 as the Mazeban power!
This power is unlimited, and even though it doesn't have a green box showing it is, it's probably also going to be a Group power!
This power costs 400 xats in the stores, and the aim of the power is to try and get yourself out of the maze!
Mazeban Information: FAQ
How can you try and complete the maze?
Like all the other ban games, a user must 'MAZEBAN' you so that you can attempt it. The person banning you must also have the power or they can only ban you normally.
How do you try and get out of the maze?
I haven't really tried it for myself at the moment, but I'm guessing that you have to get out of the maze in the fastest time. There will be different levels and difficulties from each maze you come across, and the recod is whoever gets out of there quickest.
What does the game look like?
I haven't been mazebanned yet, but whenever I do, I will make sure I can upload some useful pictures for all of you to gather on! (Check back here by Wednesday 23rd November 2011), and I'll have all the pictures uploaded! (:
How hard should I make it?
It's all up to you. If you're new to mazeban, then I suggest that you should start off with a very small ban, and then get higher bans each time you progress. A friend told me that it's easier than all the other ban games, but it all depends on you.
What do you think of the power? If you have been mazebanned, please comment how you found it, and if you've been able to purchase it! There are now currently 4 game bans altogether!
This power is unlimited, and even though it doesn't have a green box showing it is, it's probably also going to be a Group power!
This power costs 400 xats in the stores, and the aim of the power is to try and get yourself out of the maze!
Mazeban Information: FAQ
How can you try and complete the maze?
Like all the other ban games, a user must 'MAZEBAN' you so that you can attempt it. The person banning you must also have the power or they can only ban you normally.
How do you try and get out of the maze?
I haven't really tried it for myself at the moment, but I'm guessing that you have to get out of the maze in the fastest time. There will be different levels and difficulties from each maze you come across, and the recod is whoever gets out of there quickest.
What does the game look like?
I haven't been mazebanned yet, but whenever I do, I will make sure I can upload some useful pictures for all of you to gather on! (Check back here by Wednesday 23rd November 2011), and I'll have all the pictures uploaded! (:
How hard should I make it?
It's all up to you. If you're new to mazeban, then I suggest that you should start off with a very small ban, and then get higher bans each time you progress. A friend told me that it's easier than all the other ban games, but it all depends on you.
What do you think of the power? If you have been mazebanned, please comment how you found it, and if you've been able to purchase it! There are now currently 4 game bans altogether!
More Gold powers released!
Just a few minutes ago, (7.50AM GBT Time) someone had pointed out on Trade that there were 2 more Gold powers in store. So I checked, and they were correct.
It's already been a week at least, and xat still keep releasing Gold, without it being unlimited. There are now curently between 250 - 300 Gold powers on xat, and the price is still around store price on Trade. However, make sure you get your power from store before all is sold out!
It's already been a week at least, and xat still keep releasing Gold, without it being unlimited. There are now curently between 250 - 300 Gold powers on xat, and the price is still around store price on Trade. However, make sure you get your power from store before all is sold out!
Power 152 finally revealed as 'MAZEBAN'!
After a week and a half with the test power #152 not being revealed, we finally see that it is a power called, 'MAZEBAN'.
Power #152 was 4000 - 5000 xats, and reduced to 1000 - 2000 xats.This new powe was influenced for the xatchats contest, and you can see what it'll be like on their contests page!
The aim of the game is to try and get out of the maze in a certain amount of time. There are different levels to the maze, and it gets harder each time. Quickest to get out of there is the better score!
We think that this power may be unlimited, and it will release today, because of 'Thanksgiving Day' this coming Friday, and BLACK FRIDAY the following day. This year may not be so great, but we can sense some profits going around everyone.
More updates on the power when it is due for release.
Power #152 was 4000 - 5000 xats, and reduced to 1000 - 2000 xats.This new powe was influenced for the xatchats contest, and you can see what it'll be like on their contests page!
The aim of the game is to try and get out of the maze in a certain amount of time. There are different levels to the maze, and it gets harder each time. Quickest to get out of there is the better score!
We think that this power may be unlimited, and it will release today, because of 'Thanksgiving Day' this coming Friday, and BLACK FRIDAY the following day. This year may not be so great, but we can sense some profits going around everyone.
More updates on the power when it is due for release.
Snowy Pawns are Back!
Every year, xat let everyone have snow falling down on their pawn until Christmas Day, a way to celebrate christmas and to give more use to the Snowy power.
A few days ago, xat did it again this year. Snowy was first released in 2009, and you were able to get it free with a purchase from a UGC Card. This power is limited and doesn't get released in the stores like ordinary powers do.
The powers required for the snowing pawn are Hat and Snowy. The price this year has dropped to 500 - 550 xats. Last year it was 450 - 500 and in 2009 it was 400 - 420 xats.
Do you already have the powers? If so, have fun with the yearly eddition!
A few days ago, xat did it again this year. Snowy was first released in 2009, and you were able to get it free with a purchase from a UGC Card. This power is limited and doesn't get released in the stores like ordinary powers do.
The powers required for the snowing pawn are Hat and Snowy. The price this year has dropped to 500 - 550 xats. Last year it was 450 - 500 and in 2009 it was 400 - 420 xats.
Do you already have the powers? If so, have fun with the yearly eddition!
ID 11M Contest closed! (Late post)
Hey guys, I apologise for the late post.
Because of this, probably almost everyone would have known that xat'd ID for the very rare 11M was announced.
Originally, the winning price was 595,000 by Sebas, but it re-opened again due to someone offering 615,000 xats. The contest is closed for good now, with the price stopping at 625,000 xats!
The xats, worth £1400-1500, will be donated to the Royal British Legion, for World War 1 and 2.
Because of this, probably almost everyone would have known that xat'd ID for the very rare 11M was announced.
Originally, the winning price was 595,000 by Sebas, but it re-opened again due to someone offering 615,000 xats. The contest is closed for good now, with the price stopping at 625,000 xats!
The xats, worth £1400-1500, will be donated to the Royal British Legion, for World War 1 and 2.
Gold Power in Store NOW!
Half an hour ago, xat re-released the Gold power into the stores!
25 more were released still costing 50,000 xats each. There have been releases almost twice a day, and there are now between 200 - 300 Gold Powers on xat.
The price raises and drops. Every time it comes out in store, it's 49800 - 49900 and when it's not it raises to 50,000 - 51,000 xats.
There are rumours that the power is going to turn unlimited forever, since it's first release and appearence last Saturday. Gold power is #153 and only 42 had this power.
Do you have the Gold power? If not, and you have enough xats, get one now!
25 more were released still costing 50,000 xats each. There have been releases almost twice a day, and there are now between 200 - 300 Gold Powers on xat.
The price raises and drops. Every time it comes out in store, it's 49800 - 49900 and when it's not it raises to 50,000 - 51,000 xats.
There are rumours that the power is going to turn unlimited forever, since it's first release and appearence last Saturday. Gold power is #153 and only 42 had this power.
Do you have the Gold power? If not, and you have enough xats, get one now!
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